The editor is used to organize HMI screen, distribute and place standard thumbnails.

Depending on the types of HMI and their perimeter of visualization (Choice and distributions > HMI) , HMI applications are automatically calculated

Depending on the configuration, the same application can be loaded on several HMIs

A standard tree structure is proposed with the elements of the perimeter: HOME, CELL, RMG, ENTITY.

  1. Organize HMI screen: Add screen

By default, a functional breakdown element has only one screen. Depending on the need, it is possible to add one or more.

Right click an a group > Add HMI screen

  1. Distribute thumbnails

Check the desired items. Use "Unselect all" or "Select all" buttons  for the selection of all items per screens.

  1. Place thumbnails

Items without a location defined by the standard are placed in the upper left corner of the screen. Data consistency check reports items placed out of the screen.

An object placed on the trash will not be generated on the HMI screen